Namaskaar Friends,
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Balraj Sahni Manna Dey Image Courtesy : |
English version of the blog is right after the Marathi version below.
आज १ मे. जागतिक कामगार दिन. जगातील समस्त कामगार वर्गाच्या मेहनतीला सलाम करण्याचा हा दिवस. कामगार शब्द आला की आपल्याकडे आजही कम्युनिस्ट आठवतात, आपल्याला आवडो वा ना आवडो. आणि काय योगायोग आहे पहा, आजच्याच दिवशी १९१३ साली विचाराने डाव्या/कम्युनिस्ट नास्तिक असलेल्या बलराज साहनी यांचा जन्म व्हावा! आणि नंतर सहा वर्षांनी म्हणजे १९१९ साली याच दिवशी कामगार/दुःखी/पीडित अशा लोकांची गाणी गाणाऱ्या मन्ना डें यांचाही जन्म व्हावा!!
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Damayanti and Balraj Sahni |
पण मुळातली अभिनयाची आवड त्यांना शांत बसू देईना. १९४६ साली प्रदर्शित झालेला "दूर चलें" हा त्यांचा पहिला चित्रपट. यात त्यांची प्रत्यक्षातील बायको - दमयंती - यांनी पण काम केले होते. त्यानंतर "धरती के लाल" (१९४६), "गुडिया" (१९४७), "हम लोग", "हलचल" (१९५१) असे ४-५ चित्रपट त्यांनी केले होते.
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Image Courtesy: Wikipedia |
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In "Lajwanti" Image Courtesy: Wikipedia |
(संगीत - सलील चौधरी, ऐ मेरे प्यारे वतन सारखे गाणे). १९६२ - "अनपढ", १९६४ - "हकीकत", १९६५ - "वक्त", १९६७ - "हमराज", १९६९ - "एक फूल दो माली" हे त्यांचे गाजलेले काही चित्रपट. १९७३ साली प्रदर्शित झालेला "गर्म हवा" हा त्यांचा शेवटचा चित्रपट ठरला. १९४६ ते १९७३ अशा २७ वर्षांच्या कारकिर्दीत बलराज साहनी यांनी अंदाजे ८५ चित्रपटात विविध भूमिका केल्या. त्यातील बहुतांशी भूमिका या त्यांच्या स्वभावाला अनुसरून गंभीर धाटणीच्या होत्या.
त्यांच्या अभिनयाचे वर्णन अतिशय नैसर्गिक अभिनय असेच करावे लागेल. बऱ्याच भूमिका जणू ते जगताहेत असेच वाटायचे. मोतीलाल, संजीव कुमार, जॉनी वॉकर अशा काही मोजक्याच अभिनेत्यांना ही देणगी लाभली होती.
त्यांचा मुलगा परीक्षित साहनी यांनी एका मुलाखतीत असे सांगितले आहे की बलराजजींचे त्यांच्या मुलीवर - शबनमवर - निरतिशय प्रेम होते. ती अचानक गेल्यामुळे त्यांना जबरदस्त मानसिक धक्का बसला होता; त्यातून सावरण्यासाठी त्यांनी अनेक चित्रपट sign केले. त्यावेळी जो माणूस (बलराज साहनी) एके काळी दास कॅपिटल सारखा ग्रंथच फक्त हातात घ्यायचा, त्याने गुरुग्रंथसाहिबा पण वाचायला सुरुवात केली होती. दुःखामध्ये माणसाला फक्त देवाचं आठवतो याचे हे आणखी एक उदाहरण (अपवाद फक्त श्रीराम लागूंचा!).
परीक्षित साहनी पुढे म्हणतात: हळू हळू ते धक्क्यातून बाहेर आले; पण "गर्म हवा" चित्रपटात बलराज साहनी यांच्या सलीम मिर्झा या व्यक्तिरेखेची मुलगी - अमीना - आत्महत्या करते असा प्रसंग होता. तो प्रसंग अभिनीत करताना बलराज साहनी यांना त्यांच्या मुलीचे - शबनमचे - निधन आठवत होते; त्यामुळे तो प्रसंग त्यांनी अक्षरशः पुन्हा जगला. याचा परिणाम त्यांच्या प्रकृतीवर झाला; व चित्रपट प्रदर्शित झाल्यावर काही महिन्यातच बलराज साहनी यांचे निधन झाले.
"गर्म हवा" या चित्रपटाला १९७४ साली Cannes आंतराष्ट्रीय चित्रपट महोत्सवात Golden Palm पारितोषिक मिळाले.
अशा रीतीने आपल्या कारकिर्दीच्या सुरुवातीच्या आणि शेवटच्या अशा दोन्ही चित्रपटांना आंतरराष्ट्रीय पारितोषिक मिळण्याचे अनोखे भाग्य बलराज साहनी यांच्या वाट्याला आले; पण दुर्दैवाने त्याआधीच ते हे जग सोडून गेले होते.
बलराज साहनी यांच्या स्मृतीला अभिवादन.

प्रबोधचंद्र डे नावाचा एक बंगाली तरुण वयाच्या २३व्या वर्षी आपल्या सुप्रसिद्ध काका संगीताचार्य कृष्णचंद्र डे यांच्याबरोबर मुंबईत संगीत क्षेत्रात नशीब आजमावण्यासाठी येतो. पण पहिली जवळपास ८ वर्षे खूप खडतर जातात, काम मिळत नाही, सगळे studios पालथे घालून झाले तरी कोणीही काम देत नाही. शेवटी १९५० साली प्रदर्शित झालेल्या "मशाल" चित्रपटातील "उपर गगन विशाल" हे मन्ना डे यांनी गायलेले गाणे प्रचंड गाजले. या चित्रपटाला S. D. बर्मन यांनी संगीत दिले होते; याच चित्रपटात लता मंगेशकर प्रथम बर्मनदांकडे गायली.
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With Raj Kapoor |
मन्ना डे यांनी त्यांच्या सांगीतिक कारकिर्दीत शास्त्रीय ढंगाची गाणी ही बहुतांश वेळा गायली. अनेक संगीतकार जेंव्हा रागदारी असलेले गाणे बांधायचे, तेंव्हा मन्ना डे यांचाच विचार गायक म्हणून करायचे. उ. दा.
१. केतकी गुलाब जूही चंपक बन फूले - बसंत बहार - शंकर जयकिशन - सहगायक भीमसेन जोशी
२. रितू आये रितू जाए सखी री - हमदर्द - अनिल विश्वास - सहगायिका लता मंगेशकर
३. फूल गेंदवा ना मारो - दूज का चाँद - रोशन
४. तुम बिन जीवन कैसा जीवन - बावर्ची - मदनमोहन
५. आयो कहाँ से घनश्याम - बुढ्ढा मिल गया - आर. डी. बर्मन
६. एक ऋतु आये एक ऋतु जाए - सौ साल बाद - लक्ष्मीकांत-प्यारेलाल - सहगायिका लता मंगेशकर
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From L to R: Madan Mohan, Mohd. Rafi, Manna Dey and Mahendra Kapur Image Courtesy : |
मन्ना डे यांच्यात एक संगीतकारही दडलेला होता. त्यांनी एकूण १८ चित्रपटांना संगीत दिले, एकूण ११४ गाणी संगीतबद्ध केली. परंतु यातील बहुतांश चित्रपट हे पौराणिक असल्याने त्यातील गाण्यांची फारशी दखल घेतली गेली नाही. "चमकी", "तमाशा" (देव आनंद आणि मीना कुमारी) आणि "नैना" (अभि भट्टाचार्य, गीता बाली) या १९५२-५३ साली आलेल्या चित्रपटातील गाणी मात्र सांगीतिक दृष्ट्या उच्च दर्जाची होती. त्यांच्यातील संगीतकाराची एक झलक या गाण्यांमध्ये बघा - "तमाशा" (१९५२) चित्रपटातील सर्व गीते.
१९९२ नंतर मन्ना डे यांनी गाणे कमी केले. भारत सरकारने त्यांना १९७१ साली पद्मश्री किताबाने, २००५ साली पद्मभूषण किताबाने गौरवित केले. २००७ साली त्यांना प्रतिष्ठेचा दादासाहेब फाळके पुरस्कार मिळाला. २४ ऑक्टोबर २०१३ रोजी ते आपल्याला सोडून गेले, पण त्यांच्या गाण्यांनी त्यांचे नाव अजरामर केले आहे. त्यांच्या स्मृतीला वंदन.
आजचा लेख हा बलराज साहनी आणि मन्ना डे दोघांच्याही स्मृती जागवणारा असल्याने त्या दोघांची एकत्र गाणी पाहू या (अभिनेते - बलराज साहनी आणि गायक - मन्ना डे) :
१. तू प्यार का सागर है - सीमा (१९५५) - शंकर-जयकिशन
२. फिर मिलेंगे जानेवाले यार दसविदानिया - परदेसी (१९५७) - अनिल विश्वास
३. ऐ मेरे प्यारे वतन ऐ मेरे बिछड़े चमन - काबुलीवाला (१९६१) - सलील चौधरी
४. तुझे सूरज कहूँ या चंदा - एक फूल दो माली (१९६९) - रवी
५. मन्ना डे आणि बलराज साहनी यांना रेडिओ सिलोनने वाहिलेली श्रद्धांजली - Audio only

या गाण्याची काही वैशिष्ट्ये आहेत, ती अशी -
- बलराज साहनी जे एरवी अतिशय गंभीर भूमिकेत दिसायचे ते या गाण्यात त्यांच्या स्वभावाच्या अगदी विरुद्ध अशा एकदम रंगेल अवतारात दिसतात !
- मन्ना डे ज्यांनी एरवी गंभीर, शास्त्रीय ढंगाची गाणी गायली आहेत, त्यांनी हे गाणे अतिशय मोकळेपणाने (हिंदीत ज्याला "खुलके" असं म्हणतात) गायलंय, या गाण्याचा Genre पण मन्ना डे यांच्या सांगीतिक प्रकृतीच्या अगदी विरुद्ध आहे !
- ह्या गाण्यातील नायिका अचला सचदेव यांची व्यक्तिरेखा एका प्रौढ बाईची आहे. १९६५ सालाच्या काळात एखाद्या प्रौढ बाईवर अशा प्रकारचे रंगेल गाणे चित्रित करणे हे खूप धाडसाचे होते !
- या गाण्याचे गीतकार साहिर लुधियानवी ज्यांनी एरवी अतिशय गंभीर, तत्वज्ञान सांगणारी गीते लिहिली आहेत, त्यांनी एक अनोखे असे प्रेमगीत लिहिले आहे !
- "वक्त" हा चित्रपट त्या काळातला Multi-Starrer चित्रपट असूनही, आणि एक से एक गाणी मुख्य नायक आणि नयिंकावर असूनही, हे गाणे जे चरित्र अभिनेत्यांवर चित्रित झाले आहे, चित्रपटातील सर्वात गाजलेले गाणे आहे !
तर मग पाहा, ऐका आणि आनंद घ्या एका सदाबहार गाण्याचा. धन्यवाद.
Today on the 1st May, we salute all the working class and labourers of the world. In India, we recognize the word "Labour" to be associated with the historic Communism movement. Thus, what a coincidence it's been that on this very day, an artist who was a Communist and aethiest by heart was born in 1913; and six years later in 1919, another legend - Manna Dey - was born - who has been the musical voice of the downtrodden and laborers in the Hindi film songs!
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Image Courtesy : |
Yudhishthir aka Balraj Sahni was born in a small city viz. Rawalpindi in the undivided India - now in Pakistan. He did his graduation in Hindi and post graduation in English Literature. At the tender age of 23, in 1936, he married Damayanti Sahni. Towards end of '30s, both Balraj and Damayanti came to Shantiniketan in West Bengal and served as Teachers at the Vishwa Bharati University founded by Rabindranath Tagore.
However, after a few years, Balraj decided to try his luck in the Film industry since he desperately wanted to become an actor. In 1946, he acted in his first ever film viz. "Door Chalen" wherein his real wife Damayanti played the lead Actress role. Later he also acted in few films like "Dharti Ke Laal" (1946), "Gudiya" (1947), "Hum Log" and "Hulchal" (1951). However, his big break came in 1952 when the great director Bimal Roy offered him the lead role of a farmer - Shambhu Mahato - in his epic film "Do Bigha Zameen". Balraj put in everything he had in this role. The film was hailed by critics and won the international award at the Cannes International Film Festival. Thereafter, people recognized the real talent of Balraj Sahni.
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Making of "Kabuliwala" - with Bimal Roy Image Courtesy: @FilmHistoryPic on Twitter |
He never looked back since "Do Biha Zameen" and gave wonderful movies one after the other. E.g. "Seema", "Garam Coat" (1955), a super hit "Lajwanti" with Nargis in 1958, "Satta Bazar" and "Chhoti Bahan" in 1959, "Dil Bhi Tera Hum Bhi Tere" and "Anuradha" in 1960, "Kabuliwala" and "Bhabhi Ki Chudiyaan" in 1961 (remembered equally for great music by Sudhir Phadke - song Jyoti Kalash Chhalake), "Anpadh" 1962, "Haqiqat" 1964, "Waqt" 1965, "Humraj" 1967 and "Ek Phool Do Maali" in 1969 were some of Balraj Sahni's super hit movies. "Garm Hawa" released in 1973 turned out to be his last movie.
In a career spanning 27 years from 1946 to 1973, Balraj Sahni acted in around 85 films and played varied roles; however most of the roles offered to him were either serious or extermely ethical by nature.
He was one of the most natural actors in the Hindi film industry apart from greats like Motilal, Sanjeev Kumar and Johny Walker. He would actually live the character that he would be playing in the movie.
Balraj Sahni's son - Parikshit - had narrated the following story in one of the interviews:
Balraj Sahni was extremely fond of his daughter - Shabnam. After her sudden death, he was completely shattered. To come out of that state, he started signing many films and that created lot of stress on him. In that phase, he used to recite Guru Granth Sahib, which was a big surprise, knowing that he was a thorough aetheist and used to read only Das Kapital (a book by Karl Marx which is as holy to the Communists as Bhagwad Geeta to Hindus).
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Image Courtesy:@GarmHava on Twitter |
Later he signed a film by M. S. Sathyu viz. "Garm Hava" in which he had to play a role of Salim Mirza who heads a North Indian family in the aftermath of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination. Later in the film, when Salim Mirza's daughter commits suicide, he is destroyed. To enact this scene, Balraj Sahni had to re-live the sad demise of his own daughter. He did it brilliantly as ever. However this caused him great pains and according to Parikshit Sahni became one of the reasons for his death within couple of months of shooting this scene. Later, the Director of the film M. S. Sathyu also apologized for insisting Balraj Sahni to do that scene. Such was the dedication and commitment of Balraj Sahni towards his work.
"Garm Hava" won the Golden Palm award at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1974; however Balraj Sahni had left this material world before he could see the award!
Thus, Balraj Sahni remains one of the few actors whose films won International award both at the start and end of his career.
Salute to him and the great legacy he has left behind.
Prabodhchandra aka Manna Dey - one of the renowned names in the Hindi Film music industry. From 1942 to 2006, for almost 64 years, not only he stood firm in the tough competition of greats like Mohammad Rafi, Mukesh, Kishore Kumar, Talat Mehmood and Hemant Kumar, but also created space and Genre of his own. This was remarkable achievement! He has sung around 2500 songs in 15 different languages including Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Aassamese, etc. The fact that we remember his songs even after so many years is a testimony of the quality and genius Manna Dey possessed.
A young 23-year old Prabodhchandra Dey - aspiring to do a career in Hindi Film music - comes to Bombay (now Mumbai) accompanied by his Uncle - a stalwart in music Sangeetacharya Krishna Chandra Dey (K. C. Dey as he was famously known). As per Manna Dey's own narration in one of the interviews, during these initial days, he went from Studio to Studio begging for work, but no one entertained him. He gets frustrated and decides to go back to Kolkata; however upon his Uncle's request, stays back and within months gets his first big break for the film "Mashal" released in 1950. The music was composed by S. D. Burman. This was Lata Mangeshkar's first film with S. D. The song "Upar Gagan Vishaal" sung by Manna Dey became a hit. His career slowly picked up after that.
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Presenting Shankar-Jaikishan's song Image Courtesy : |
Raj Kapoor used Manna Dey's voice in many of his movies and Manna Dey did not disappoint, all his songs were received with great feedback. E.g. "Tere Bina Aag Yeh Chandani" (Awara - 1951, with Lata Mangeshkar), "Thahar Jara O Jaanewale" (Boot Polish - 1954 - co-singer Asha Bhosale), "Dil Ka Haal Sune Dilwala" (Shri 420 - 1955), "Aaja Sanam Madhur Chandani Mein Hum", "Jahan Main Jaati Hoon" and "Yeh Raat Bheegi Bheegi" (Chori Chori - 1956 - with Lata Mangeshkar), "Masti Bhara Hai Samaa" (Parvarish - 1958 - with Lata Mangeshkar), "Chalat Musafir Moh Liya Re" (Teesri Kasam - 1966) and "Ae Bhai Jara Dekh ke Chalo" (Mera Naam Joker - 1970)
Majority of Manna Dey's songs were based on Hindustani Classical music. Many Music Composers, while composing Raag based songs, considered Manna Dey as the best choice to sing it. If you look at the list below, you will realize this:
- Ketaki Gulab Juhi Champak Ban Fule - Basant Bahar - Shankar Jaikishen co-Singer Bhimsen Joshi
- Ritu Aaye Ritu Jaaye Sakhi Ri - Hamdard - Anil Biswas - co-singer Lata Mangeshkar
- Ful Gendwa Naa Maaro - Dooj Ka Channd - Roshan
- Tum Bin Jeevan Kaisa Jeevan - Bawarchi - Madan Mohan
- Aayo Kahan Se Ghanshyam - Buddha Mil Gaya - R. D. Burman
- Ek Ritu Aaye Ek Ritu Jaaye - Sau Saal Baad - Laxmikant Pyarelal - co-singer Lata Mangeshkar
Manna Dey was also a great composer. He composed more than 100 songs from 18 films. Since many of the films that he composed music for were Mythological, no one noticed it. However 3 of his films from 1952-53 viz. "Chamki", "Tamasha" (starring Dev Anand and Meena Kumari) and "Naina" (starring Abhi Bhattacharya and Geeta Bali) were of great quality music. I would highly recommend readers to listen/watch songs from "Tamasha".
Manna Dey was active till 1992, post which he only sang in select languages and select Genres like Bhajan, Ghazal, etc. His last song for the Hindi film was in 2006. He did his last live programme in 2012 in Mumbai at the tender age of 93!
Government of India recoginzed Manna Dey's contribution to Film Music in general and awarded him Padmashri in 1971 and Padmabhushan in 2005. He also won the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke award in 2007. Manna Dey left for the heavenly abode on 24th Oct 2013.
I salute to the genius of Manna Dey and remember the wonderful treasure that he has left behind.
Both Balraj Sahni and Manna Dey had worked together in many films where latter has sung some great songs for the former. Here are some of these gems:
- Tu Pyaar Ka Sagar Hai - Seema (1955) - Shankar-Jaikishan
- Phir Milenge Jaanewale Yaar Daswidaniyaan - Pardesi (1957) - Anil Biswas
- Ae Mere Pyaare Watan - Kabuliwala (1961) - Salil Chaudhari
- Tuze Suraj Kahoon Ya Chanda - Ek Phool Do Mali (1969) - Ravi
- Radio Ceylon pays tribute to Manna Dey and Balraj Sahni - Audio only
However, the song that I am presenting today is undoubtedly the most Evergreen song of Hindi Films. It's "Ae Meri Zohara Zabeen" from the film "Waqt" (1965), lyrics by Sahir Ludhiyanvi and composed by Ravi in Raag Pilu. It is believed that Ravi picked up this tune from one of the Qawalis by an Afgan singer Ustad Abdul Gafoor Breshna.
The reasons for selecting this song are its USP as follows:
- You will see Balraj Sahni playing totally opposite to his real character which was serious!
- You will find Manna Dey singing this light hearted romantic song which was far from his normal serious, devotional Genre!
- This song is picturized on Achala Sachdev who was clearly aged at the time of shooting this song. In the Indian society of 1965, just imagine how difficult it would have been for the director to plan a song picturised on an aged lady and still hope for the film to do well!
- The lyricist of this song - Sahir Ludhianvi - had been known for his serious, philosophy based songs, but he again came up with something totally different to his normal self!
- "Waqt" was a multi-starrer movie, the film contained other songs filmed on the main stars of the movie, these songs were equally good or even better; in spite of this, "Ae Meri Zohra Zabeen" picturised on an aged couple was a super hit and till date remains as the most popular song of the film!
Hats off to the entire team of "Waqt". Please watch the song video given above and enjoy your day. Thank you.
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